Ben Buys Indy Houses – Photo Instructions

As a general note, the more pictures you can take the better! Please try to take pictures of anything you think would be helpful from a construction standpoint.

Things such as walls, floors, ceilings, foundation, roof, siding, furnace, water heater, AC unit are all necessary. This document will explain how you can use your camera, how to take pictures that we need, and instructions on how to send the photos to us online, by using Google Photos.

Here are a few instructions for the camera itself:

1. Ensure “Live Mode” is turned off if applicable on your phone.

2. Hold camera as still as possible until picture is taken to reduce blurring

3. Take most, if not all, pictures with your phone turned sideways

4. Turn Flash settings to “Auto”

Here are instructions and requirements for the photos themselves:

1. Do not have any people or animals in the frame of pictures

2. For every room; All walls, floor and ceiling must be captured in picture(s)

3. All doors must be opened to show what is inside (even closets)

4. Picture must be taken of the label on all mechanicals. This means the sticker that shows details of age, brand, and model of the AC unit, Water Heater and Furnace.

5. Pictures must be taken of the roof from multiple angles. You may need to back away from the house and then zoom in your camera to get the best view.

6. Turn on all lights in the room being pictured

7. Take a picture of the electrical box with the door open

8. Take a picture of plumbing pipes below sinks, and in basements/attics

9. If a room is dark and has no lights, open curtains to let in as much light as possible

10. Take a picture of each appliance

11. In each bathroom: get separate pictures for toilet, shower, tub, and vanity area. In addition, take 1-2 pictures of the bathroom as a whole (as much as you can fit into frame)

12. Get pictures of all exterior walls/siding

13. Get pictures of the entire yard/lot

14. If garage is automatic opening: Take 1 picture with door closed, and another with it opened.

15. Take a picture of both electric and water meter

If this is done correctly, then the number of photos should result in the following amounts (approximately):

– 700-1200 Sq Ft Home: 75 pictures

– 1200-6000 Sq Ft Home: 100 pictures

– 1600-2000 Sq Ft Home: 125 pictures

– 2000+: Over 130 pictures

Please read all instructions before submitting your photos on the form!

Click the link below to submit your photos:

Complete your name
Property address
Click on the “Choose File Button to upload Pictures
Click Submit